Environment & Energy

Catching up on state’s new crop of green legislation

“Going green” just keeps going, faster and faster.

With all the green products, programs and practices constantly being introduced, consumers have a hard time keeping track. Since the Washington Legislature just wrapped up its 2009 session, let’s take a look at the latest environmental laws and bills.

Q: Which green legislation passed in our state this year will have the greatest consumer impact?

A: Although very long term, it will most likely be the “Efficiency First” Bill, or 5854 (for details on all bills, search by number or key words at http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo). Under this law, homes and buildings constructed after 2013 will be designed to reduce energy use by 70 percent by 2031 (using the 2006 building code as a baseline).


For More, see http://seattletimes.com/html/ecoconsumer/2009253167_ecoconsumer23m.html