Senior Lobby Updates

Celebrating 50 Years of Area Agencies on Aging!

President Lyndon Johnson offers Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus the pen he used to sign the Older Americans Act 50 years ago to this day, on May 3, 1973

Fifty years ago today, Area Agencies on Aging were formally established as part of the 1973 Older Americans Act reauthorization. Since then, AAAs have established themselves as local leaders in aging well at home. As part of their continued evolution, AAAs have developed and implemented a growing range of innovative services and supports that help enable older adults and adults with disabilities to live fully at home and in their communities.

Whether it’s information and referral/assistance, in-home care, case management, transportation, advocacy, meals, health insurance and Medicare counseling, caregiver and kinship family supports, vaccination outreach and promotion, social engagement, and so much more – AAAs have charted the course for valuing and supporting members of our local communities as we age!

This day is about our AAAs here in Washington and nationwide – AAA staff, volunteers, community partners, and the work they do every day that has paved the way for older adults and adults with disabilities to live independently and age well in their communities.