Senior Lobby Updates

Advocacy Tools for FY 2016 OAA Appropriations

Dennis Mahar and Cathy Knight, W4A, attended the National (N4A) Conference held in Washington, DC.  Please click on the links below to help renew The Older Americans Act (OAA).

Advocacy Tools for FY 2016 OAA Appropriations

Join our efforts to increase funding for Older Americans Act (OAA) and other federal programs that support older adults and their caregivers! These materials will assist your grassroots efforts to secure these increases.

n4a’s Letter to Capitol Hill, April 2015


Talking Points for Advocates


Advocacy Leave-Behind Card (Contact n4a for hard copies)


n4a’s 2015 Policy Priorities


List of Key Appropriators, 114th Congress


n4a Appropriations Chart


Congressional Visit Tips